What We Do.
At the Delaware County Solid Waste Authority (DCSWA), we strive for excellence in managing the waste for our community, while preserving the environment and natural resources for the future. We utilize an integrated system of managing waste to ensure the optimal balance of environmental, fiscal, and social needs of the citizens of Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
Our Responsibility
Issuance of permits for all commercial and residential trash collection vehicles to dispose of trash at the Transfer Stations.
Monitoring of trash at the Transfer Stations and enforcement of County ordinances dealing with refuse collection, permitting, and disposal.
Planning, developing, designing, and administering the expansion and modification of facilities for which the Solid Waste Authority is responsible.
Advising County Council on matters pertaining to the responsibilities of the Authority.
Providing management through inspection, coordination, and approval of payments for the transferal of trash materials.
Obtaining and administering state grants available for the enhancement of recycling and other programs for which the Authority is responsible.
Our History
DCSWA was established originally as the Delaware County Incinerator Authority in 1954. The County Commissioners at the time formed the Authority to acquire, hold, construct, improve, maintain and operate...an incinerator plant or plants for public use. Three incinerators were constructed in the late 1950's and operated until 1979 when they were closed. Two of the incinerators were established as Transfer Stations (Plant #1 in Chester Township and Plant #3 in Marple Township) to accept and handle approximately 400,000 tons of commercial and residential trash generated annually in the County. From the Transfer Station, the trash was trucked to various landfills outside of Delaware County.
In 1984, the Delaware County Council adopted a resolution requesting that the Delaware County Incinerator Authority acquire the Rolling Hills Landfill (formerly Colebrookdale Landfill) in Earl Township, Berks County. The majority of all County trash had been disposed of at Rolling Hills for years prior to the proposed acquisition. The purchase of the Landfill was completed in 1985 and the name of Delaware County Incinerator Authority was changed to the Delaware County Solid Waste Authority.
All of the solid waste processed through the two Transfer Stations continued to be shipped to Rolling Hills until 1992 when the Chester Resource Recovery Facility (RRF) was opened. The RRF was owned and operated by the Westinghouse Corporation until April of 1997 when American Ref-Fuel assumed ownership. In 2005, American Ref-Fuel sold the plant to Covanta Energy Corporation, the present operators of RRF.
Today, approximately 400,000 tons of commercial and residential trash generated annually in the County is processed at the RRF with the ash residue shipped to Rolling Hills Landfill.